Crochet Special Stitches and Techniques

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hello Kitty Prom Corsage/Bracelet

Prom is coming up soon.  I designed this Corsage for that Hello Kitty girl who dares to be different.  It's a simple pattern that only takes a couple of hours or less to make.


  • Red Heart Shimmer yarn  in  Snow, Hot Pink and Black 
  • F hook
  • Tapestry needle
  • Black adhesive backed felt
  • Blingy button or ribbon of your choice
  • 2 1/2" wide gold wired ribbon
  • needle
  • yellow or gold thread

Special Stitches

DcHdctog--Crochet a double crochet and an half double crochet together--Yarn over (YO) hook, insert hook in next stitch (st), YO, pull up a loop, 3 loops on hook.  YO, pull through 2 loops, 2 loops on hook.  YO, insert hook in next st, YO, pull up a loop, 4 loops on hook.  YO, pull through all 4 loops on hook.  Dchdc2tog made.


Insert hook in st, YO
Pull up a loop, 3 loops on hook


Pull through 2 loops
2 loops on hook


Insert hook in next st

Pull up a loop, 4 loops on the hook

Pull through all loops on hook

dchdc2tog made


ch(s)--chain(s)         sc(s)--single crochet(s)        dchdc2tog--double crochet and half double crochet togther
hdc(s)--half double crochet(s)          dc(s)--double crochet(s)              tr(s)--treble or triple crochet(s)
st(s)--stitch(es)        sl st(s)--slip stitch(es)       beg--beginning

Hello Kitty Face

With Snow Yarn Ch 4, leaving a long tail for sewing later.
Rnd 1:  Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, sc 3 times in last ch, sc in back side of next ch, sc in last ch 3 times ( 9 scs)

Rnd 2: Sc in next 3 scs, sc 3 times in next sc, sc in next 4 scs, 3 scs next sc.  (13 scs)
Rnd 3: Sc in next 4 scs, 3 scs in next sc, sc in next 5 scs. 2 scs in next 2 scs. (16 scs)
Rnd 4: Sc in next 5 scs, 2 scs in next 2 scs, sc in next 6 scs, 2 scs in next 2 scs, sl st in next sc. (19 scs)


Right Ear:  Ch 3, dchdctog in next 2 scs (see special stitches),  clip end of yarn, long enough for sewing but don't fasten off.  Instead pull loop till it's small, then thread needle with the end of the clipped yarn.  Then weave the yarn back up to the unfinished loop and pull it through carefully to keep the point of the ear.  Finish weaving in the ends to the shape ear.

Left Ear:  Attach white yarn in 3rd sc from right ear, ch 3, dchdc2tog in next 2 scs, finish like the right ear.

Face Features and Whiskers
Sew button or ribbon onto right ear.

I used 1/8" ribbon and made several loops, spread them and then sewed a small piece of ribbon over the center to make this bow.
 To make this little flower, I used 1/2" ribbon and folded in a fan shape forming a circle and then sewed it together.
Use this picture of Hello Kitty as a guide for placing the eyes and whiskers.  Using felt with an adhesive backing, cut three small ovals.

Peel the paper off the felt and stick it onto the face.

For whiskers thread tapestry needle with black yarn, tie a knot in the yarn and pull it through the back of the Hello Kitty face.  Do this 6 times.  


With Hot Pink yarn Ch 4,

Rnd 1:  Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, sc 3 times in last ch, sc in back side of next ch, sc in last ch 3 times ( 8 scs)
Rnd 2: Sc in next 3 scs, sc 3 times in next sc, sc in next 4 scs, 3 scs next sc.  (13 scs)
Rnd 3: Sc in next 4 scs, 3 scs in next sc, sc in next 5 scs. 2 scs in next 2 scs. (16 scs)
Rnd 4: Sc in next 5 scs, 2 scs in next 2 scs, sc in next 6 scs, 2 scs in next 2 scs, sl st in next sc. (19 scs)
Rnd 5: *ch 3, sl st in 3rd sc* 6 times, ch 3, sl st in base of beg ch. (7 ch-3 loops)
Rnd 6: *sl st in 1st ch, (ch 3, dc, tr 2 times, dc 2 times) all in same ch-3 sp* 7 times, sl st in base of 1st ch. Fasten off. Weave in ends.

Rnd 7: Attach black yarn in fastened off st, *ch 5, sl st in back of flower petal in sc on Rnd 2 about in the middle of the petal*  7 times, ch 5 sl st in base of beg ch 5.

Rnd 8:  *sl st in ch-5 sp, (sc, hdc, dc, 2 trs, dc, hdc, sc) all in ch-5 sp* 8 times, sl st in base of beg ch-5.  Fasten off.


Sew Hello Kitty face to flower.  Cut a length of gold ribbon long enough to wrap around wrist plus 1 ".  Sew Flower down to middle of ribbon with yellow or gold thread.

Fold ends down towards the back of the flower about 1/2" on each side.  Sew on two snaps.

Happy Hooking!

You May Also Like:
Fascinator Hat

Henna Tattoo Inspired Glove
Hello Kitty Locker Mirror


Petals to Picots


  1. I am a new follower! I found your blog from Hookin on hump day link up party. I love your hello kitty bracelet. I hope you visit my blog too.


    1. I've been to your blog before too. I just joined your site.

    Prom Tuxedo

  3. I love the Hello Kitty, we are making felt ones in our craft class.

  4. Very cute! Thanks for the great idea and for the free pattern.

  5. Very cute! Thanks for the great idea and for the free pattern.
